A Space to Breath

Virtual Studio Space


Studio Space

Located on the first floor the space can be rented by freelance instructors ideally suiting yoga or pilates style classes. We also offer table tennis.

Current Classes

Mon - WILD GOOSE QIGONG - 10am to 11am - great for all ages and states of health - Contact Natasha - 01502 711127 - www.norwichqiongandkungfu.co.uk

Tues - Members and Non members -Yoga With Jack 0930 to 1015 £6.50 Contact jack@larueyoga.com

Tues - Non Members- Pilates With Bev Whtye 1030 - 11.115 - Contact bevwhyte@hotmail.com

Wed -

Thurs -

Fri - Members and Non Members Pilates with Charity 915am to 10am £6.50 Contact insta. Charity Rose Pilates

Non Members £6.50